Our organic cotton is made sustainably and responsibly, in a way that's good for communities, good for your skin and good for the planet.
Conventional cotton production uses up to 16% of the world's insecticides, and 7% of its herbicides. These chemicals can seriously affect soil and water quality, greatly reducing biodiversity around the fields and downstream from them. They've also been known to cause harm to farm workers and nearby towns.
Not only that, cotton farming requires large amounts of water for irrigation. This excessive water consumption can eventually make the soil unsuitable for crops, and can dry up lakes and other large bodies of water.
Organic cotton is grown with minimal harsh chemicals, which reduces contamination and pollution, and keeps the water safe for people and wildlife.
Clothing made from organic cotton is also safer to wear, even for sensitive skin types. That's because it's free of the chemical traces that are typically found in conventional cotton.
The farmers that grow this cotton are able to work without being exposed to harsh chemicals. Workers are then able to better invest in their families' futures and education thanks to this healthy environmentIf you change stores, your shopping cart will be emptied.
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